Shay Friz Apps

Basketball Trader 1.00
Shay Friz
The Basketball Trader is the only appthatcombines basketball and trading.with our app, you will feel playing like a real NBA player,bysucceeding 3 times you'll be able to unlock the trading game.enjoy
Tank Slot 'n Trade 1.00
Shay Friz
Enjoy casino games? Enjoy the thrillandexcitement of winning?Tank Slot 'n Trade is the game for you. Tank Slot 'n Trade isacombination of casino slots and binary options trading allrolledinto one. This exciting game gives you the chance to spin theslotsand apply trading skills to catch the big one.The aim of the game is to spin the reels like a regularslotmachine, but when you achieve either 3 Green (CALL) up arrowsor 3Red (PUT) arrows, the bonus trading round will begin. Thegraphbelow the reels will become active and looking at the graphyouneed to predict if in the next 5 seconds will the graph go upordown from its current amount.If you think the price will go up, select the Green CALL buttonandif think it will go down then select the Red PUT button. Ifyourprediction is correct your jackpot winnings will be doubled. Ifyoudo not predict correctly then you simply win your originaljackpotamount.Fun and rewarding, Tank Slot 'n Trade shows you just how easy itisto trade binary options. Every day people trade binary optionsbypredicting if an asset such as the Euro or the Dollar andmanyother assets will increase or decrease in a specific timeperiod.The time period, also known as the expiry, is the amount oftimeuntil the outcome of the prediction.While Tank Slot 'n Trade is an excellent introduction to theconceptof trading binary options, it illustrates the simplicity ofwhybinary options trading has become such a sensation for boththenovice and professional traders. When you feel confident on howtopredict and ready to make real money trading, simply signup upfora trading account and put your skills in action to makerealcash.Go on, Spin it, CALL it and Win it!
Blackjack Trading 1.10
Shay Friz
Blackjack is a game of skill and so tooisfinancial trading. Imagine combining the thrill and rush ofplayingblackjack with trading, applying your skills and makingcash.Blackjack Trading is super simple to understand. You place yourbetlike regular blackjack and pit your skills against the dealer.Ifyou beat the dealer, you get the opportunity to doubleyourwinnings.Your winning hand triggers the bonus trading round. You willbepresented with a moving graph showing the price of the Euro totheUS Dollar. Looking at the graph and the trends of up or down,youjust need to predict if you think the price will go up (CALL)ordown (PUT) in the next 5 seconds.Click your choice of CALL or PUT and wait to see the outcome, ifyoupredicted correctly you will double your winnings and if youpredictincorrectly you simply keep your original winning amount.It’s thatsimple.The bonus trading round of Blackjack Trading shows you how easyitis to trade binary options. It just takes a small amount ofskillto predict based on the trends of the graph if the price ofanasset such as the Euro to the US Dollar or the price or Oil,Gold,and a selection of hundreds of other assets to choose fromwillincrease or decrease in a specific time.Regular people with no financial or trading experience arecashingin on binary options trading daily by simply using a littlebit ofskill and intuition to predict if the prices will go up ordown. Itdoes not get easier than this to start trading and makingrealcash.Blackjack Trading is a great way to grasp the sheer simplicityofbinary options trading and as soon as you are ready to startmakingreal money trading binary options, just click on the in gamelinkto open your free binary options trading account and startputtingyour new found skills to work.Hit! Predict! Jackpot!Play Blackjack Trading now and start trading like a pro.
Free Binary Option 1
Shay Friz
It is time to find yourself tradingbinaryoption and to explore the wonderful profit makingopportunitiesthat you can thus avail. With the free training andcomplete helpfrom the simulator, you will feel like a realperformer in notime.The 100 free coins are sufficient enough for you to get to knowtheidea to trade successfully for free. By making use oftheinteractive trading apps, you will learn to trade binariesprettyeasily. It is about dedicating some time and to focus onthelessons that are being provided by the apps. You can learntheentire trading process as you game your way in theinteractiveplatform.In just half a minute, you will be able to learn everythingyoushould know about trading. The best of the lessons for tradingcanbe learnt by making proper use of the 100 free coins. And, youwillbe provided with the opportunity to get sign up bonuses,studymaterials to help with the doing, training materials, andexperttraining from experienced consultants.It is just a matter of time before you can get experiencedinlearning how to deal with the charts, how to ride on trends andhowto make call and put decisions based on the happenings inthemarket. Be patient and learn one skill at a time and you willbeable to improve trading approaches in no time.Download the apps and you will get a real feel of what wehavediscussed above. Sign up today.
Wall Street Trader 2.1
Shay Friz
Learn to binary options from the comfortofyour smartphone like a professional trader. That’s right in notimeyou can begin mastering the art of binary options trading withWallStreet Trader.While many people are intimidated by trading online, WallStreetTrader lets you grasp you the concepts for free and therereallyisn’t much to trading successfully. To get started, simplyregisterand you will receive €100 of free trading credits.Trading is really easy, the first step is to select anunderlyingasset such as the price of the Euro to the US Dollar orchoose Goldor even a stock such as BP, and there are plenty more tochoosefrom.Now all you need to do is look at the graph which shows thecurrentprice of the asset you selected and the trend of the price.If youthink the price will go up in the next 20 seconds then chooseCALLor if you think the price will go down in the next 20 secondsthenchoose PUT. You have the option of 20, 30 and 60 secondexpirytimes.Once you have made your selection, you choose the amount you wanttoinvest and click start. Now sit back and wait for the tradetoexpire to see the outcome of your prediction.If you predicted correctly you double your money and if youwereincorrect you lose your investment amount.Binary options trading is that simple and with a little practiceyouwill be raking in the cash.When you ready to try your hand at real trading, select “TradeforReal Money” and you can sign up for a real binary optionstradingaccount and start making cash the way thousands of noviceandexperienced traders do every day.Its your CALL. Trading has never been simpler.